Terms of Use

Welcome to DeepQR

Thank you for choosing DeepQR. We are committed to providing high-quality dynamic QR code generation and analytics services to help you effectively share information and collect data in your marketing activities and personal projects. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions you agree to comply with when using DeepQR services. Please read these terms carefully before registering or using our services.

1. Service Description

DeepQR offers advanced dynamic QR code generation tools, which include, but are not limited to:
QR Code Generation: Users can easily create multifunctional dynamic QR codes through our user interface. These QR codes can incorporate a variety of functional components such as URL links, social media pages, images, videos, and more interactive elements.
Scan Data Analytics: We provide real-time data analytics capabilities that allow users to track and analyze each QR code's scanning data, including the number of scans, time, location, and type of device used. This information helps to optimize marketing strategies and user engagement.
Additionally, DeepQR is committed to continually updating and improving our services to include the latest market trends and technological advancements to ensure that your QR code projects remain competitive.

2. Subscriptions and Accounts

DeepQR offers a variety of subscription options to suit different needs and budgets:
Freemium: Upon registration, users can access a free account, which allows creation of up to 3 All-in-One QR codes, with each QR code containing up to 3 components and a scanning limit of 1,000 times per QR code. This subscription has limited functionality and services, including a maximum file upload of 5MB, and displays DeepQR watermarks and ads on the QR codes and pages.
Regular: Available with monthly and annual payment options, this subscription allows creation of up to 15 All-in-One QR codes, with each QR code containing up to 5 components and unlimited scanning. Users can upload files up to 10MB and enjoy an ad-free and watermark-free service experience.
Advanced: Available only as an annual subscription, this tier includes up to 100 All-in-One QR codes, with each QR code containing up to 15 components. Similar to the Regular subscription, this level offers unlimited scanning, a maximum file upload of 20MB, and displays no ads or watermarks.
All subscriptions are eligible for an unconditional refund within 7 days of purchase. Renewals require manual operation by the user before the end of the subscription period. We encourage users to pay attention to subscription expiration notices to avoid service interruptions.

3. Fees and Payments

We have established clear pricing standards for our services:
Regular Subscription: Pay $9.9 per month or $82.8 annually.
Advanced Subscription: Pay $238.8 annually.
All fees must be paid using the payment methods we support, including major credit cards and electronic payments. We guarantee that the listed fees represent the total cost required for the services you choose, with no hidden or additional costs.

4. Data Management

DeepQR places a high priority on the security and privacy of user data. We utilize the advanced Google Cloud platform to store and process all user data, ensuring data security and high availability.
Data Storage: All QR codes created by users and their generated data are stored in a secure cloud environment. This data is only accessed when you or an authorized user scans the QR code.
Data Access and Control: Users can access, update, or delete their personal information at any time through our website Dashboard. Additionally, users can manage and delete any QR codes they have created along with their associated data.
Data Protection: We implement industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access and breaches.
We commit to complying with all applicable privacy laws and regulations to ensure that users' personal information is not misused.

5. Lawful Use

When utilizing DeepQR services, users must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and DeepQR usage policies. To maintain a secure and reliable environment, the following actions are considered violations and may result in the suspension or termination of your account:
Illegal Content: Users are prohibited from posting or disseminating any content that is illegal, including but not limited to:
Copyright Infringement: Uploading or sharing materials protected by copyright without explicit authorization from the copyright owner.
Defamation and Insults: Publishing defamatory or insulting content.
Privacy Violation: Illegally collecting, sharing, or using personal information, such as identity or financial information without consent.
Obscene and Lewd Content: Posting or spreading pornographic, obscene, or other inappropriate content.
Violence and Terrorism: Promoting violent acts, terrorism, or other threatening content.
Hate Speech: Disseminating hate speech based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Illegal Activities: Encouraging or assisting in any form of illegal activities, including but not limited to piracy, hacking, or fraud.
Intellectual Property Infringement:
Trademark Infringement: Unauthorized use of trademark-protected logos, names, or other materials.
Patent Infringement: Unauthorized use or promotion of patented technologies or products.
Malware and Viruses: Distribution of malware or viruses that could damage or interfere with service operation, including but not limited to trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other malicious software.
Cyber Attacks: Engaging in any form of cyber attacks, including but not limited to denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, unauthorized access to websites or network infrastructure.
Misleading or Fraudulent Activities: Using the service for any misleading or fraudulent activities, including publishing false information, forging data, or misleading users through QR codes.
Sale or Promotion of Illegal Goods: Prohibition against using the service to sell or promote illegal goods, such as drugs, illegal weapons, or restricted medications.
Discriminatory and Exclusionary Content: Strict prohibition against posting or disseminating any form of discriminatory content based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or disability.
Anti-Competitive Behavior: Prohibiting any actions that could harm market competition, such as commercial defamation, price manipulation, or other anti-competitive behaviors.
Violations of these policies may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your service, and the offending content may be removed. DeepQR will follow applicable legal regulations in handling these matters and may report serious violations to law enforcement or regulatory bodies.

6. Termination and Suspension of Services

Account Termination: UUsers may terminate their accounts at any time via the website's Dashboard. If a user decides not to renew their service or if the subscription expires without renewal, the account will automatically be closed.
Service Suspension: If a user violates the lawful use policies outlined above, DeepQR reserves the right to suspend or terminate their service and will notify the user of this action. Additionally, if the content published by the user is suspected of being illegal or infringing on third-party rights, we may be required to take appropriate legal actions.
Handling Violations: Upon detection of any violation, DeepQR may automatically remove the offending content and notify the user via email or system notification. In such cases, DeepQR may also freeze the user's account, and any payments made will not be refunded. We reserve the right to further restrict, suspend, or terminate the services and pursue legal responsibilities where appropriate.
In any instance of service termination or suspension, we will provide adequate notice and, where possible, an opportunity to rectify the situation.

7. Termination and Suspension of Services

Service Termination:
•Users may terminate their service at any time by canceling their accounts through the website's Dashboard.
•Services will automatically terminate if a user's subscription expires without renewal.
•DeepQR reserves the right to terminate services if a user violates the terms of this agreement, especially in cases of illegal or prohibited content publication.
Service Suspension:
•If a user's actions are found or reasonably suspected to violate any terms of use, DeepQR has the authority to suspend their services.
•Reasons for service suspension include but are not limited to the publication of illegal content, participation in cyber attacks, or other activities that seriously threaten the security and integrity of the DeepQR platform.
•During a suspension period, users will not have access to their accounts or services until the issue is resolved or the terms of the agreement are reaffirmed.

8. Limitations of Liability and Warranties

Basis of Service:
•DeepQR services are provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Limitation of Liability:
•DeepQR and its suppliers or licensors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the services, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
•Additionally, DeepQR assumes no liability for any third-party claims arising from user's breach of this agreement.
Force Majeure:
•DeepQR is not liable for any interruption or loss of service caused by force majeure events, including natural disasters, war, government actions, terrorism, technical failures, and other similar events.

Modification of Terms

Changes to Terms:
•DeepQR reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time. Any such modifications will be posted on our website or notified to users via email.
•If the modifications involve substantial changes, we will provide at least 30 days' notice. Continued use of the services after this notice period will constitute acceptance of the new terms.
User's Responsibility:
•Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the most current version of the agreement to ensure they are aware of any updates and modifications.
•If a user continues to use DeepQR's services after updates to the terms, it is considered as acceptance of the updated terms.